Looking at where we are so far, do you think that:

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Music changes

We have decided to change the music because it didn'tmake any sense to the thriller, so we have used Once upon a December background song by Anastacia. We have been advised to do the oposite of what we have done before and go with a gentle song, and Once upon a December is exactly that.

Then, we are going to add tension music on top of this background instrumental track were in the thriller we feel that there should be bits were the audience feel tensed. 

Today we are going to record Laura singing again, but now we are going to make sure that she is looking at the video of her singing while we are actually recording her on anotehr mac. This will help Laura to get the sync right and will help us when we come to the editing.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

The poem...

We have decided to introduce a poem to our consideration and we have found a poem that is quite relevant to our thriller. It is too called Lily and describes her personality more, as we feel that that is what our opening scene is lacking of. It goes as follows:

Lily stares, searching for an answer
the glassy image in the mirror.
A crystal tear falls,
So small, yet holding so much.
She's silent but screaming,
Nobody hears.
This poem is going to go to the end of our opening to add the mysteriousness and also a bit of sympathy. We want to create Lily's character as very confusing at the opening scene.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Thursday, 6th December 2012

Filming day 2- the car sequence


This is when we re doing our title sequence. We have done lots of different shots to make the title sequence more interesting.

Shannon was climbing (-:

We can read the writing a lot more. It may look a bit shiny on the photo, but that because of the light on the camera.

The car sequence photos

 Using the ladder again to get the car coming along the road.
This is the car that we have used.
                                                                             We have used the ladder for the car sequence too to get lots of variety of shots.

The out takes-
These are just the out takes of the thriller becasue we didn't want to give away too much about the story before the edit. However this still shows the development of the day itself and the trials that we have done not just with the car, but with characters too.

Our filming diary

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Our thriller development

This is where we are so far. We have put the clips together and changed the flashbacks to black and white, whilst changing the theme of the title sequence to "dream" theme, to try and make the writing stand out. The music is on there too, (this the one we have chosen previously and is posted on my blog).

The problems are that the music does not make sense to what is happening in the plot. This is because I did not take into a consideration the sync whilst i was making this on the garage band.
Also although we have tried to make Laura's voice to sync to her singing in the clip, we have not succeeded that.

Future improvements: We will try and find something more simple for our music choice
We will also record Laura singing again, whilst looking at the clip, so she know where about she sang certain bits.

Tomorrow we are going filming again, and we are going to do the title sequence again, trying out more variety of shots. The most important thing however is that we are filming our car sequence tomorrow too. I will post another video of an upgrade version and the full version of our thriller.

The reason why the music finishes at the end, is because i have copied the clips of Laura singing and put them in between the flash back itself as well as the voice of her singing, which was part of our experiment.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Our thriller portfolio

Thursday planning

We leave school at 12:00 pm. We are then straight away going to get to the location, which is Graby. We are going to find suitable road and set up.
We are getting Laura ready (make up, and get changed)
Next, we are going to get filming: a) A pan shot and a shot of the car coming towards us (a long shot)
                                                       b) Two shot of us in the car, joking about and talking
                                                       c) and then, Shannone will sit on teh backseat of the car, right next to Laura and she will film Laura touching my face and my hair. Automatically, i can feel cold and i touch my face .

                                                      d)  Sannone's dad will the then look in
 the central mirror, where Shannone's dad is going to look at, and look down on the road again and realising what he has seen in teh mirror, he looks again, but he will not be able to see anything in the mirror again.
                                                      d) Confused and now anxious, he looks at the back of the car where he has previously seen Laura and he cannot see anyone on the back seat anymore
                                                      e) As he turns around to look back on the road, Laura will appear on the road, right in front of the car.
                                                      f) This is the point where Shannone's dad turns the steering wheel and the tire squeel will be heard.
                                                     e) From that, it will go staright to the flashback that we have already done.

Shots that have inspired us....

Title sequence:

For our title sequence, we reallly liked the Caisno Royal title sequence:

It is only the first bit that has inspired us as we want to use a similar shot but we want it to go from a full screen shot to spiral out like the James bond spiral but as it spirals it changes to another shot and then that shot becomes bigger as if the spiral is unraveling.

Vut at the end we have decided that it may not be a very good idea becasue it might confuse poeple a little bit and also we could find a proper connection of how it link to our plot.

The Car Sequence

The 6th sense is definitely what is inspired us here becasue we do not want no car chase, but a normal conversation between (supposingly) only two people in the car and it links to our plot and our thriller becasue the 6th sense is also a psychological thriller.

This is the first
 The Shutter Island
We thougth it would be a good idea to use the shutter island as our inspiration to becasue of its brilliant use of flashbacks, and we have used this in our thriller too.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Developing our title sequence...

We have decided that looking at the video we have so far, we need to make some improvements on the title sequence. We have decided to try out and practice more shots before we go out filming again to give us an idea to what we are looking for. These are some of the experiments that we are going to be working with....