Looking at where we are so far, do you think that:

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Wednesday, 21-11-12, day one

This was our good day. Although it was raining all day, i believe that we have done a good job . These are videos and pictures from today below. The videos are just the out takes that we have done or whilst we were practising the camera work. The videos ARE NOT the actual videos that we are going to use.

This is the actual castle

Castle again

The grounds of Grimsthorpe castle

The grounds

Getting started....

Our first location where we have actually filmed

Laura before make up.

Me doing Laura's make up....

Finishing touches.....

Laura's make up done...

Laura getting ready for first shot...

The grounds and the habitat...

The second setting in Grimsthorpe...

Work in progress...

The lake, 3rd setting in the Grimsthorpe grounds...

The lake grounds....

The castle in a mist...

Getting set for the title sequence...

We ave decided to change our title sequence by adding a hop scotch and our names inside the boxes...

The out takes....

Our thriller filming diary

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