Looking at where we are so far, do you think that:

Thursday, 8 November 2012



 We are going to focus on the EXPLORES.


This is the types of categories of audience

We have picked a group B, so we are focusing on the second highest category.

Research methods

How do we measure media audiences?

BARB provides the most robust in-home TV measurement system in the world, monitoring over 5,000 UK-representative homes (around 11,500 viewers in total). BARB data forms the basis of TV trading in the UK.

Audiences are reported minute by minute and data is available to subscribers the morning after transmission. BARB also includes guest viewing, time-shifted viewing (through both DTRs and VCRs) and viewing to both primary and secondary sets across the various different rooms of the house.
Weekly top ten programmes of the BARB channels:
At NRS Media, we focus on developing successful direct sales campaigns for the media industry. We’ve been in business for over 21 years and have delivered US$700M in additional revenue globally.
See how we have helped hundreds of media organisations identify and increase their revenue from advertisers. 
 Example case study:
Unstable climate offers silver bullet for radio station
By NRS Media

Founded in 1997, the latest version of theBookseller.com was launched in March 2012.
The website provides daily news and comment about the book business, starting at 8am with the latest digest of press reports about the publishing sector and financial updates from the City. Regular news updates from The Bookseller's news desk follow throughout the day.
The site also includes opinion, blogs, author and trade profiles and features about the book business, as well as an extensive and searchable archive of previously published content.
TheBookseller.com makes extensive use of the authoritative Nielsen BookScan data, bringing subscribers the Official UK Top 50 plus more detailed charts updated daily.
ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulations), the industry body for media measurement.
We inspire market confidence by delivering a valued stamp of trust across the media world. Our data is used by a wide range of decision makers:
  • Media owners
  • Media agencies
  • Advertisers
  • Rights owners
  • Investors
  •                                                                        Management

We have two roles:
  • We manage and uphold standards which reflect media industry needs. These standards determine best practice in how media industry data is prepared and reported.
  • We offer a world class audit and compliance service to check that data and processes meet these industry agreed standards


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