Looking at where we are so far, do you think that:

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

continuity editing

Combustion from Renaud Hallée on Vimeo. Amazing!!

This video clip is very continues becasue although the fire does so many different things, as shown in screenshots bellow, there is no sense of cuts.
This si the frist behaviour of the fire. It all seems normal at this point.
This is the first sign that something is not qiyte right with this fire. It almost looks as if it was doing its own thing. It is at this point that we realise that the fire behaves to the rythm of the music. There are jump cuts or cutaway shots.
This is when we find out that there is a piece of branch in the fire. We don't know how it got there, becasue evrything looks so continues.
This is the point when the fire dies down and we are left with a ball. However, to the rythm of the muic, the ball of fire starts to spit out these flames and when they meet, it makes a loud noise and the fire pops at the same time....Amazig!
The ball is on fire again... Again we don't know why it happened becasue it is so continues. It seems like it cought on fire by itself.

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