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Thursday, 20 September 2012

Martin Scorserse and Shutter island


From all movie guide; The most renowned filmmaker of his era, Martin defined the state of modern American cinema during the 1970s and '80s. A consummate storyteller and visual stylist who lived and breathed movies, won fame translating his passion and energy into a brand of film making that crackled with kinetic excitement. 

In April 1979, Martin began to work on the Raging Bull, a film based on the autobiography of a boxer Jake LaMotta.

Another example of his achievement that is more relevant to us is the thriller Shutter Island :

The thriller genre

The thriller genre is when the protagonist deals with death (their own os someone else's). Also the forces of antagonism between actors is over all very clever and most of  he time stronger than the role of protagonist yet, the main story line of a protagonist is a character that cannot be put down. The main plotline is a mystery that needs to be resolved and the films narrative construction is dominated by protagonist's point of view. All characters are generally very realistic with a natural representation on screen, which makes the thriller more realistic because the characters seem "real" hence, the story will too, which engaged the audience. The two major themes that underpin a thriller are the desire for justice and the morality of individuals. The use of sound in a thriller genre differs depending on the situation and position in the thriller. If there is someone in danger, than they would play music which would be quite high pitch or strong and dramatic, which would get gradually louder as the character gets closer to danger.

Different types of thrillers



Audience are a collective group of people who read or consume any media text.
For example  Radio listeners, Television viewers, Newspaper and magazines readers.
Why are audiences important?
Niche vs MassAudience for a horror

Without audience, there wouldn't be any media because media wouldn't make any profit, sp no media would be produced as people couldn't aford it.
Niche audienceis targeted to an audience that has a specific interest in unique and individual things. It is much smaller but very influential. Examples of these are magazines like "Teddy bears", which is obvsious that it is aimed at younger poeple may be childern between 5 years old to 10 years old. We know that this is aimed for niche audience because there would probably be a minority of people that read this, especially if it is aimed especially for children at that year group, plus, it has no advertisment what so ever, so poeple would not know about it that well.
An opposite to this, we have the Mass audience, which is targeted at a large group of people or in other words, somtimes reffered to as "broadcast audience". This is an audience of karge group of people that like to read/watch/listen to ect, to the mainstream of popular media, such as soaps, and popular magazines. This often targets all genders at any age (men, women, boys and girls). Here is an example of a mass audience.
Horror name :   The paranormal activity
 PG:  15

The audience for this horror, i would say are men and women who don't like to be scared and terrified and like to feel certain paranormal emotions whilst watching the film. Judging on my research about this film, the age that this film is aimed for is between 15- 35 years, becasue of the explicit and violent nature of this film and the strong content of paranormal activity that are going on there... However judging on my experience and the people that i have asked, out of 20 poeple (these are both randomly selected boys, and girls) under the age of 15, have said that they have either watched it or they want to watch it, which shows that this film attracts even younger generation of well, children. I think this is because, even children like the adrenaline of this film, and some people can take this more serious than others.